The Taipei Arena
The show took place in the Taipei Arena, which is called Xiao Judan (small big egg, which means it is a smaller version of the Big Egg in Tokyo.) This is a new building in Taipei and I’ve never seen it while living here. A lot of people were waiting for getting into it when we got there, but most of them are men and women more than 60 years old! The waiting was a lot of fun though, because we saw many “elder” celebrities coming in to the arena, including the wealthiest CEO in Taiwan- Guo Taiming of Foxconn, a manufacturer of EMS/ODM- and his fiancée, and the paparazzi was running after them. Their romance has been hot news in the society, including the 24-year age difference and the fact that the girl is going to be a “princess”. In addition, Zhang Zhongmou –CEO of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company- and some “elder” pop stars showed up, too. I can’t stop wondering if Amanda and I could enjoy the songs as these “elder” people do?

Looking at the other side of the street from the Arena
The answer is no. Although the Osmonds really sang well, and their great sense of humour entertained everyone, we just didn’t love the songs. At the same time I was trying to take some photos but apparently it was banned. It seems that the rules are much stricter than Madonna’s shows; I still remember how “bold” people were by consistently taking photos of the queen in MSG!

Paparrazi running after the couple
Amanda and I decided to leave during the break. Then we went to a restaurant enjoying delicious rice soup and side dishes. I was actually very glad to experience the show, because it brought me back to my old crowded and exciting days in Taipei. And the Osmonds seem to be still with us in spite of the fact that they already left. Today it was exposed that the younger sister Marie lost her jewellery worth approximately 400,000 NT ($13,000) (suspected) in the Hyatt Hotel. But she is not sure if it had been already lost in Australia before Taiwan since she got a lot of luggage and didn’t check it frequently.
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