Again, as some of my friends know, my favourite color is pink, and thus I’ve been collecting Hello Kitty stuff for many years. In Montreal I have to restrain myself as people in North America seem to be fond of neutral colors and styles, and a women in pink Hello Kitty dress walking on Ste. Catherine might look stupid. I still remember once a woman on “What Not To Wear” was totally in pink and then became the laugh stock of the two fashion experts. So although I was trying to use the Hello Kitty pen box and wear pink sandals at school I rarely show off pink stuff of mine.

Of course I wouldn’t wear everything in pink in Taiwan, but this island is so supportive to girlie style and I’m like swimming in the pink sea! Pink cosmetics, pink bath gel and body lotion, pink “facial oil removing” paper in heart shape, and even pink cigarettes! I finally liberated my desire for pink and enjoy the overwhelming power of pink in all kinds of stores.
Some psychologists claim that the color someone prefers could reveal his/her personality. If this is true, could we say that the distinct popularity of pink shows the difference of two cultures?

Don't fret, Grace - I too love pink. Don't be afraid to rock out in pink when you get back to Montreal: neutral tone Canadians could use a splash of colour.
On the other hand, some of the "girly" stuff here can be taken too far, for my tastes. What do you think about all the preciously dressed, precious-sounding girly girls walking up and down Zhongxiaofuxing on Friday night, hanging off of their shaggy-haircut motor scooter boys? Some of them hang onto stuffed animals - I even saw one who had a pet carrying-case style handbag, with a little puppy inside (it seemed real, but I'm not 100% sure). This is TOO girly for me!
Yes, Afra, I too agree some of the stuff are really too girly, and sometimes I feel like a neutral- tone Canadian (and honestly prefer this way) when being located within a lot of pinks, laces, and puff-like mini skirts. I believe the puppy you saw is a real one!
On the other hand, I found girls nowaday are much more outgoing than before, which is an interesting contrast to their pink dresses.
Is everything going fine with you?
Omg! I looove the oil paper thing. It's cute~ I wish I could say more, but I am too exhausted for words... :(
Georgina that's ok!
I'm happy to hear from you!
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